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We hope that you enjoyed our previous article of this series that dives deeper into the interior design style preferences based on the big five personality traits of individuals. In this article, we will be looking at a similar thing, but from the perspective of Myers-Briggs personality types. If you have never heard of it before, don’t worry, this is just a more elaborate version of the big 5 personality traits, where people are categorised into 16 different personality types based on their traits. If you want to learn more about it, feel free to visit this link. And not to mention, but if you don’t already know your Myers-Briggs personality type, take the test now and find out your type (it is really fun, we promise!).

As we said there are 16 different personality types and every type has different traits based on their characteristics. Thus, naturally, they are likely to prefer different types of environments that would complement their behaviour and lifestyle. So, let us look at what different personalities might prefer based on their traits.

INTJ – Architect (Imaginative and strategic thinkers)

With their highly organised yet imaginative thinking style, INTJs are likely to prefer something that is more minimal yet quirky and holds a special significance for them. So, we feel that INTJs would like the Minimalist interior design that that focuses on functionality over decoration.

INTP – Logician (Innovative thinkers)

Similar to the INTJs, INTPs are also focused on the aspect of functionality over decorative, so we believe that an Industrial interior design style, with its raw and authentic feel would suit an INTP. Their boundless innovative ideas would thrive in a place that is not embellished with ornate items.

ENTJ – Commander (Bold and strong willed)

What better could complement the bold and ambitious nature of ENTJs than the fantastical and iconic structure of the Tudor style. The ENTJs naturally belong to castles and the classic outlook that comes with them, which makes us believe that Tudor would suit them really well.

ENTP – Debater (Smart and curious)

With their natural tendency to ‘break the rules’, Eclectic interior design would match the ENTPs perfectly. Considering that the eclectic style allows for various styles to be mixed and matched, it would suit any ENTP who is looking to express themselves in their own unique way.

INFJ – Advocate (Quiet and mystical)

This highly introverted and mystical type should also lean towards a minimalist lifestyle, but with a touch of serenity. So, according to us, Zen would be a perfect fit for this type, that would energise INFJs whilst giving them space to be with themselves and their thoughts whenever required.

INFP – Mediator (Poetic and kind)

With their creative nature that thrives on abstract ideas and thoughts, we believe that an Abstract interior design style with a touch of Vintage would fit well with INFPs. Given that they draw inspirations from almost anything in their surroundings, this style combination should be a match for INFPs.

ENFJ – Protagonist (Charismatic and inspiring)

Considering that ENFJs are individuals who have a knack for leading and introspection, Transitional style would be a good fit for them because it would give them room to reflect their conservative side, whilst maintaining a contemporary and trendy outlook to have a charismatic impact.

ENFP – Campaigner (Enthusiastic and creative)

Probably the most interesting personality type of all, the ENFPs have a social yet personal side that is very significant for them, so, a Shabby Chic interior design style would meet a lot of their requirements. It would allow the ENFPs to create a soft and personal space that would complement their lifestyle.

ISTJ – Logistician (Practical and reliable)

Bauhaus interior design style, that emphasises simplicity with its clean and crisp lines is a natural fit for the ISTJs. With their love for science and reliability, Bauhaus will meet the requirements of an ISTJ whilst keeping them occupied with creating an efficient space for everyone.

ISFJ – Defender (Dedicated and warm)

Defenders are true to their roots and like to be in a comfortable space that has always been familiar to them. We believe that a Traditional interior design style would meet the nature of ISFJs and complement their lifestyle.

ESTJ – Executive (Administrators and managers)

With the love for detail and sophistication, ESTJs are bound to embrace an Artisan interior design style that has everything ESTJs root for. From elaborate designs to immaculate structures, the Artisan interior design style offers a lot for ESTJs. Who knows, maybe ESTJs were the ones who developed this style!

ESFJ – Consul (Caring and social)

What would be a better fit for an ESFJ than a warm and welcoming ambience of the Cottage interior design style. It has everything from a friendly atmosphere to a space where the ESFJs can connect with the nature.

ISTP – Virtuoso (Bold and practical)

Machine Age is a natural fit for the ISTPs. With their natural tendency to experiment and play with different materials and tools, something like a machine age inspired interior design style would match perfectly with the ISTPs. Not only will they have space to play with raw and authentic surfaces, they will also have enough opportunities to elevate their space with their talent.

ISFP – Adventurer (Flexible and charming)

This personality type is a perfect match for the Arts and Craft interior design style, because if their charming and unique nature that goes well with the authentic feel of the interior design style. There is a lot that ISFPs might enjoy about this style, beginning from its creative nature that encourages the exclusivity of the space.

ESTP – Entrepreneur (Energetic and perceptive)

Bold and expressive is how we can describe both the ESTPs and the Memphis interior design style. If there is any one personality type that would naturally levitate towards the Memphis style, it would be ESTPs (at least in our opinion). With a tendency to take risks and be different from the norm, ESTPs would have a natural liking towards the Memphis style.

ESFP – Entertainer (Spontaneous and enthusiastic)

The Bohemian interior design is a haven for the ESFP because it has everything (literally everything) that anyone can ask for. There are no rules in this style and ESFPs would love it because it would complement their spontaneous nature. This is where ESFPs would truly be themselves because there is a lot that they want to express without any limitations.

So, this marks the end of our series about the interior designs and personalities. We hope you enjoyed it and related to what we had to offer. If you enjoyed this, we would highly recommend you to check out our – Find your style – tool that recommends a style for you (not on the basis of your MBTI) based on the designs you like. It can be quite handy if you are looking to redecorate your space, but are unsure about where to begin from. The tool also gives personalised style tips that can ease your journey to elevate your space.


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