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Are you introverted or extraverted by nature? Do you like calm spaces with clean and simple design or enthusiastic spaces with vibrant tones and dynamic furniture? Would you like to live in a space that is decorated with bold-statement pieces, or would you prefer an uncluttered space that has limited decoration.

If you are an introvert, chances are that you would prefer calm spaces with clean and simple design that is uncluttered with limited decoration, while in case of an extraverted personality, you would prefer an enthusiastic space with vibrant tones and dynamic furniture, decorated with bold-statement pieces.

Huh! We know that this is very stereotypical and might not be true in every case, or let us just say that it has become a common knowledge that introverts and extraverts function differently and prefer different environments. But is it actually true that introverts feel comfortable in different interior layouts when compared to that of their extraverted counterparts?

In the previous part we discussed how various studies suggest that the personalities of individuals did have a significant impact on the type of interior design and decoration they preferred. Here we will dive deeper into - which personality types are more likely to feel comfortable in what kind of an interior design style. For this, we will use the OCEAN model of Big 5 personality traits to understand which styles might be suitable for a given personality type. In case you are not aware about this model, it uses five traits namely, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism and maps an individual on a continuum to understand their personality type.

So, let us begin!

1. Openness – This trait refers the tendency of an induvial to be open to experiences (newer) and be more imaginative and insightful when it comes to designing and decorating their surroundings. So, a more artistic and creative form of interior design style will suit someone who lies on the more ‘Open’ side of the spectrum. While in case of someone who is less ‘Open’ might prefer more predictable and structured surrounding that has subtle decoration.

High in openness – Exploration and Bohemian.

Low in openness – Minimalist and Shaker.

2. Conscientiousness – Individuals with strong conscientiousness reflect persistence, discipline and reliability. So, a more conscientiousness individual will naturally lean towards a highly planned and structured interior design style, while a less conscientiousness individual might prefer something that is more playful and experimentative in nature.

High in conscientiousness – Bauhaus and Directoire.

Low in conscientiousness – Eclectic and Arts and craft.

3. Extraverted – Like discussed earlier, extraverted individuals get their energy from social interactions, while less extraverted people get their energy from solitude and more personal spaces. So, a space that allows for social energy to thrive, will be more suitable for extraverted individuals while more serene surroundings will be preferred by introverted individuals.

High in extraversion – Shabby Chic and Art deco.

Low in extraversion – Zen and Japanese.

4. Agreeableness – This aspect is related to traits such as patience, sensitivity and cheerfulness, so, more agreeable individuals will prefer surroundings that are warm and welcoming, while less agreeable individuals will like to be in surroundings that reflect their achievements and trophies.

High in agreeableness – Art Nouveau and Romantic.

Low in agreeableness – Industrial and Elizabethan.

5. Neuroticism – The final aspect relates to traits such as moodiness, oversensitivity and timidness which makes it a bit difficult to associate interior design styles with this specific aspect. But we believe that just like other aspects, certain styles might suit individuals based on their level of neuroticism. For instance, individuals who are high in neuroticism might prefer surroundings that help them cope with it.

High in neuroticism – Retro and Vintage.

Low in neuroticism – Transitional and Rococo.

We hope you enjoyed our take on what the Big 5 personality types might prefer when it comes to the interior design style and decoration of their space. If you relate to any of the style recommendations that we made in this article, please share your reviews with us!

Other than that, if you have not already tried our tool, please give it a shot. It utilises a sophisticated algorithm that identifies your interior design style preference and gives you a personalised style recommendation and style-tips to suit your requirements. It might also be fun for you to try out the tool and see which personality type you fit in with. Just click here to use the tool!


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